SME Grants for the Transition: Decryption

Article written by Alexandre Torbay
June 21, 2021

On January 28, 2021, the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and ADEME launched a new scheme to support SMEs in their ecological transition. In concrete terms, ADEME is awarding significant subsidies (from €5,000 to €200,000) to companies to finance the studies and investments required for their transition to a low-carbon model (example: up to €5,000 subsidy, for a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessment).

The context of the recovery plan

This initiative comes at a key moment in France, where citizens, businesses and public authorities are particularly attentive to climate issues (citizens' climate convention, proposed referendum, repeated extreme weather events - fires in Australia and Siberia, repeated heatwaves in France, etc.).

This is also reflected in the law. For example, as part of the stimulus plan in response to theCovid19 crisis, the law passed at the end of December 2020* requires companies with 50 to250 employees, which will benefit from credits under this plan, to carry out a greenhouse gas emissions assessment (BEGES) before the end of 2023. Previously, this obligation only concerned companies with over 500 employees (250 for public establishments).

Which companies are eligible?

ADEME's subsidy program applies to all small and medium-sized businesses (SA, SAS, SARL...etc), with the exception of auto-entrepreneurs, which have fewer than 250 employees and sales of less than €50 million (ADEME refers to the definition of SME under European regulations, here).

Which studies and investments are eligible for subsidies?

As mentioned above, several types of studies and investments in favor of the transition are eligible for subsidies.

You'll find the full list of eligible actions defined by ADEME here, and a detailed description here. Here are a few examples, including the first stage of the GHG emissions assessment and the development of a reduction strategy, the decarbonization of your mobility (light or heavy vehicles) or your infrastructures (building insulation, lighting, commercial refrigeration equipment or building insulation):

  • Greenhouse gas emissions assessment: The production of a greenhouse gas emissions assessment (BEGES) covering direct and indirect emissions -> the subsidy may amount to 80% of the price, up to a maximum of €5,000. This assessment must comply with the regulatory method or current international standards (ISO 14064, ISO 14069), and must include a proposed action plan.
  • Building renovation : Energy renovation work with the aim of reducing energy consumption by 50% -> grant of up to €5,000.
  • Mobility: Clean vehicle fleet: Replacing your fleet of "thermal" vehicles (such as petrol or diesel) with electric vehicles, including heavy goods vehicles.
  • Lighting: The installation of LED lighting, which significantly reduces electricity consumption compared with conventional bulbs.
  • Commercial refrigeration equipment: Insulation of refrigerated sales cabinets; replacement of fluids in commercial refrigeration equipment with fluids that have less impact on global warming.
  • Insulation and ventilation for industrial buildings
  • Circular economy and waste management (examples: inventory, diagnosis to reduce packaging, etc.).
  • Eco-design and labeling (example: first step in eco-design via awareness-raising/training in the approach by a professional, implementation of the European eco-label)

What is the procedure for obtaining these subsidies?

Contact the Keewe team at climat@keewe.euand we'll tell you how to proceed.

In a few words, you need to fill in the "ADEME Tremplin transition écologique" file, to identify your company and select the studies/investments for which you are applying for a grant (or grants).

  • ADEME will not grant you a subsidy if the amount of the subsidy is less than €5,000 or more than €200,000 (please note that this refers to the amount of the subsidy - not the price of the services - which must be between €5,000 and €200,000).
  • ADEME will ask you to enclose with your application an estimate for most of the studies and/or investments for which you are applying for a grant (you can find out whether an estimate is required by consulting the excel file).
  • Some grants are awarded only to companies in specific sectors (based on APE/NAF code) or geographical areas (e.g. sustainable tourism, industrial buildings).
  • Studies/investments that do not appear in the list provided by ADEME are not eligible for subsidies.

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Source :

*Law no. 2020-1721 of December 29, 2020 on finance for 2021

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